Strap yourself in for the ride of your life… Jean-Yves Blondeau has been since the 90s, and recently, he’s been cropping up more and more in people’s feeds!
He may have been at this for years now, but the slow burns are always the brightest in the end! Designed originally for an Industrial Design course, the Rollerman suit is a badass $5000 piece of equipment that allows the wearer to glide along the road in any position they can fathom! But with complete freedom comes complete lack of kiddy gloves… the suit has no brakes. After all, how could it? You’d screech to a halt then flip all over the place! It takes true skill to wield this thing, but can you just imagine the thrills it’d lead to?
Known by Jean-Yves as “buggy rollin”, this practice has been taking networks like Tik Tok by storm, and all the zoomers across the world are rediscovering this madlad. He deserves to be unearthed! So we at Gravity Stars are all too glad to do our bit as well.
When we see Jean-Yves buggy rollin’ down those steep hills, we can’t help but think of today’s recommendations from our partner Blue Pie’s vast music catalogue, those being two old favourites… first up, Silver Mountain.
Or is our next recommendation, Burning The Day, more your speed?
Whatever you rock to, whatever hits from our partners Blue Pie or Metal Central TV you love to hear, we at Gravity Stars think about two things – music and sports… even if the sports are abstract and wild, and beyond the hopes of many. 😉 So we’ll keep our eyes on rollerman to see where he bugs out to next! Until next time, thrash away!