We reckon that we owe it to two years of oppressive pandemics: the fact that it feels like 2020 was just yesterday, that is. Or maybe we’re just getting old? Either way, 2022 comes swiftly...
Read more +Gravity Stars is the number one place for the best extreme sports content on the planet, set to the best music on the planet! And if you're keen to close out 2022 with some adrenaline...
Read more +Last week, the world lost a superstar. A true force to be reckoned with on the field, and an international favourite, whether you're a sport fan or not - Diego Maradona was beloved for both...
Read more +Strap yourself in for the ride of your life... Jean-Yves Blondeau has been since the 90s, and recently, he's been cropping up more and more in people's feeds! He may have been at this for...
Read more +The results are in, the show went on, and the Melbourne Cup still ran despite COVID! Did you have a horse in the race? If so, you've probably seen them, but have the standings anyway!...
Read more +It's about as big as a local championship can get. Hundreds of riders and spectators from across multiple states of the USA, Atlantic City had its hands full with this one! As detailed in their...
Read more +From 1988 until yesterday is a long time to wait, but that's just how long the LA Dodgers have waited to win a World Series MLB championship- 3-1 vs the Tampa Bay Rays! It wasn't...
Read more +You're here for one thing, aren't you? With a title like this, you're here to see dudes bomb out, whether you're here for sadistic purposes, or you just like to cringe and torture yourself. Whatever...
Read more +You guys up for some hoops? We at Gravity Stars always are, and the Lakers are the classic go-to team for some of the best courtside action you could ever want. This year's NBA championship...
Read more +Picture this: You're aiming to become an extreme snowboarder. You're a novice to the sport but you're keen to hit the slopes as much as you can. Then, the unthinkable happens, and you have an...
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